Every parent has their child’s success at heart, as well as a strong desire to equip them with every advantage they can be afforded. Red Deer Montessori is a central Alberta leader in learning-based education. We pride ourselves on offering programs which provide a strong foundation for early education. Red Deer Montessori School was established in 2001 to provide an enriched child-focused program based on Maria Montessori's philosophy of education. We have also been recognized by our community.
In the Montessori program, children gain a strong sense of self, independence, productivity and a love of learning. They are creating a foundation for a successful future beyond their academic endeavours. The Montessori program also promotes social interaction through class activities, greeting and hosting guests in the classroom, preparing and sharing snacks with peers, and exercising appropriate behaviours.
The Montessori method is also very inclusive for all children, including those with special needs. Dr. Montessori saw the need to create a teaching method that was all-encompassing to all children from the beginning. Through this perspective, all children receive an individualized education with our programs. Students have more freedom to learn and grow at their own pace. Their educational plans are matched to their unique developmental level, learning style, and interests.
We want to ensure our Montessori model is the right fit for your child and your family. If you are uncertain if your child would thrive in a Montessori classroom, we encourage you to reflect on the following:
- How close is Red Deer Montessori to our home, and how much does it cost to enroll in the program?
- Does my child prefer to work alone, or do they like to work alongside other students?
- How does my child approach their learning process? Do they take on an independent leadership role, or do they often need help to get a task started and/or to stay motivated?
- How does my child like to learn? Do they like to read or watch videos, and do they need to practice what they learned before they completely understand it?